Finnkino Tennispalatsi

Basierend auf 10 Rezensionen


Dave M
59 month ago
Former Olympic tennis hall that now houses the city’s largest cinema, alongside quite a few other things. You can buy tickets (including choosing seats) on your phone & walk straight up to the screen.
Юлия А
78 month ago
Много залов, комфортно! Фильмы на английском с финскими субтитрами! Рекомендую окунуться в атмосферу кинотеатра в Хельсинки хотя бы раз!
Janne S
97 month ago
The biggest cinema in Helsinki, so this is the place to go if you want to watch a movie in Helsinki and want to have the largest sortiment.
Раиса М
110 month ago
Под крышей бывшего спортивного дворца поместились мультиплекс Finnkino, попкорн, пицца, кофе, этнографический «Музей культур» и самый большой филиал городского Музея искусств.
Amj S
129 month ago
Reminder: The world won't destroy if you can't check your Facebook or missed calls during the movie.
Henri K
133 month ago
You can show tickets straight from your phone. No need to print movie or snack tickets anymore, modern mobile device is enough.
Duc L
142 month ago
Buy tickets online to save time and effort. The paper vouchers can now be used to pay for online bookings. Then you can print it out at home or at a machine near the ticket counters, right corner.
Joonas L
148 month ago
Buy a 5 or 10 ticket pack: the price per ticket is more reasonable and they are good for all films (also 3D)
Mikko J
149 month ago
Awesome candy collection. Nice coffee house on the second floor. Tip: you have to have a movieticket to get the loo.
151 month ago
A huge multiplex with restaurants, coffee-shops and snackshops. Also an interesting culture museum inside the complex. The biggest movie theatre in Finland